- PAR Monitoring
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Discussion of the third monitoring results in Ozurgeti
The results of the third monitoring of the implementation of public administration reform were discussed during the ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti working group. The monitoring was carried out by local civil society organizations - the Center for Education and Equality and the Union of Young Teachers - with the support of Imereti Scientists’ Unions “Spectri”.
Representatives of these organizations familiarized the meeting participants with the positive trends of the three monitoring processes and new challenges.
The meeting was attended by: Chairperson of the City Council David Darchia, representatives of the City Council Administration, mass media and civil society. David Darchia noted that the municipality has completed the process of internet covering and a person can have electronic access to municipal services from any place. It is one of the contributing factors of improving the practice of e-management.
The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia